Jan Jansen van Breestede


Jan Jansen & Engeltje Jans were married in 1621 before they arrived in New Amsterdam around 1636 with son, Jan, and daughters Elsje, Dorothea and Tryntje. Jan was born around 1596 in Bredstedt in what was then Denmark. Theirs was the first Scandinavian family to appear in the New Netherland records. The Dutch pronounced and recorded his name in their style, which included the addition of where he was from (“van”), while in Danish he was Jens Jensen.  All four children were married on Manhattan before 1650. Jan had died by September 1, 1641 when Engeltje remarried. Jan’s activities are not well known through the records, especially having died within a few years of arriving. However, his son, Jan (junior), is prolific in the records. Jan (junior) married Marritje, daughter of Andries Luicasz, on November 1, 1647 in New Amsterdam. Their daughter, Engeltje, born 1654, married Jan Focken Heermans. Jan (junior) was a cooper by trade and was responsible for branding barrels in New Amsterdam. He was also made fire warden for New Amsterdam. His lot in New Amsterdam was at the northeast corner of Broadway and Beaver Street and included the adjoining east lot, No. 1 Beaver Street. Except for five feet of frontage on the “old ditch” lost to the widening of Beaver Street, it is the same today as it was then. When the Castello Plan was drawn in 1660, there were substantial buildings fronting both streets, which were likely his cooperage and homestead. Jan lived here as late as 1677 and Engeltje was living there, widowed, in 1683. He is often referred to in the records as “Jan the cooper” and appeared frequently: 

February 7, 1647 

Hendrick Jansen, smith, plaintiff, vs. Jan Jansen, cooper, defendant for the payment of fl. 170:10. Defendant admits the debt and promises to pay. 

February 24, 1653 

In the City Hall…but he claims, they show, that he has earned 90 fl. in casks. Thereupon the Burgomasters and Schepens authorize Jan Jansen and Tomas Frericksen, both coopers here, to appraise the work, done by deft as to its value here and to make parties agree or else make a written report of their opinion. 

March 10, 1653  

In the City Hall. Jan Jansen, the cooper, pltf., v/s Adam Roelantsen, deft, demands payment of 23 fl. 5 st. for bacon, delivered by him to deft to be sold. Deft. admits, having received the bacon and says, he has sold it to Luycas Eldersen, who refuses to pay for it as bad. After hearing both sides Burgomasters and Schepens condemn deft to pay aforesaid money to pltf. within one month, he retaining his claim for the bacon, delivered to Luycas Eldersen. 

November 11, 1653 

City Hall. Some of the principal burghers and inhabitants of this City having been legally summoned by their Worships, the following appeared: Govert Loockermans…Jan Jansen, Cooper…Olaf Stevensen…Isaac de Forrest (etc.). (Burghers or Freemen were divided into two classes in Amsterdam January 3i r 1652, and five years later in New Amsterdam. Only members of the first class or Great Burghers were eligible to the higher municipal offices of Schout, Burgomasters and Schepens, Orphan-masters, etc. The small Burghers had only the privilege of trade and might be appointed to minor or servile offices.) 

January 24, 1656 

In the City Hall. On the request of Jan Jansen van Breeste, cooper, relative to the barrel-stamp, which Rynier Rycken brought out from Holland for him and was referred by the Honble Director General and Supreme Council to Burgomasters and Schepens, is endorsed: — Inasmuch as the stamp, which Rynier Rycken brought with him from Fatherland, is here required for the common use of the City, the public cannot therefore be incommoded for individuals. Petitioner’s request is, therefore, denied. 

April 24, 1656 

In the City Hall. The Court having seen the proofs produced by deft, decide that he was preferred to remain in the house before any other: Therefore order that the rent shall be estimated by two impartial persons, whereunto are hereby requested Capt Martin Krygier and Jan Jansen van Brieste 

September 25, 1656  

Within this City of Amsterdam in New Netherland, following the laudable custom of the City of Amsterdam in Europe, all casks, ells, cans and weights are marked yearly for the prevention of frauds and cheating, which may be done with them. Therefore, that everybody may be treated alike and justly the Schout, Burgomasters and Schepens order, that all, who use such measures and weights in their business, shall have them measured and stamped by the sworn Gauger, appointed for this purpose by their Honors under the penalties formerly published. As Gauger of casks Jan Jansen van Brestee, cooper, has been appointed and for the measuring and marking of ells, cans and weights. Andries de Haas, who will receive their pay out of the fees according to the regulations given them. Let everybody govern himself hereby. 

March 9, 1657 

Friday, 9th March 1657. In the City Hall, Assembled the Burgomasters of this City of Amsterdam in N: Netherland. Whereas the Burgomasters of this City of Amsterdam have deemed it highly necessary, that some monies be placed in the Treasurer’s chest to pay therefrom the daily and indispensable expenses of this City, and as many have not yet paid according to the assessment made by Burgomasters and Schcpens in Oct. 1655, Burgomasters have therefore drawn out the following list and placed it in the hands of the Treasurer to have the monies therein mentioned collected by the Court Messenger…. Jan the Cooper fl25, Luycas Andriessen 1 beaver fl8-, Isaack Allerton fl60-, Jacob van Couwenhoven fl100-. 

April 9, 1657 

In the City Hall. The Burgomasters and Regents of this City of Amsterdam in N: Netherland hereby give notice and make known, that those, who claim great or small Burgher right by virtue of gift or favor from the Honble Director General and Council, shall communicate their names within eight days to the Burgomasters of this City, who for this purpose beginning tomorrow the 10 th inst. shall sit during the eight days at the City Hall from two o’ Clock till five o’ Clock in the afternoon, to inscribe the names, with warning that those, who do not communicate their names within the aforesaid time, shall be deprived of the claim of Burgher right. Published and affixed. List of Those who have the Burgher Right pursuant to the Privilege and Explanation thereof granted by the Rt Honble Director General and Council to the Burghery of this City of Amsterdam in N. Netherland, and are accordingly inscribed by Burgomasters, and have taken the proper oath. THE GREAT BURGHER RIGHT..(list)…THE SMALL BURGHER RIGHT – (list)…Jan Jansen van Brieste, Cooper Follows the Oath taken by the Burghers; drawn up by the R. Hon. Director General and Council. I, N. N., promise and swear in the presence of Almighty God to be true and faithful to the sovereignty of the Noble, High Mighty Lords States General of the United Netherlands and Supreme Jurisdiction of the Honble Lords Directors of the Privileged West India Company as Lords and Patroons of this New Netherland Province, their Director General and Council already appointed or hereafter to be appointed; and to shew in the first place them, the Burgomasters and Rulers of this City, present and future, all respect and reverence and to obey them in all honest and just matters as a faithful subject and good Burgher is bound to do, as long as I shall continue in this Province. So Truly Help me God Almighty! 

February 21, 1658 

In the City Hall. Jan Jansen van Breste presents a petition to the Court requesting, that he may brand or mark the beer barrels. It is also resolved to communicate this to the D T . Genl. According to Resolution Wernaar Wessels is granted the gauging of the barrels for all his life, but the marking for one year. 

March 7, 1658 

In the City Hall. Jan Jansen van Breeste being sent for to Court, who appearing is asked as he petitioned to be marker of beer barrels, how much he will charge a piece? He places that at the disposition of the Magistrates and says one stiver per half barrel. But the Magistrates resolved and on his petition dated 21st Feb. apostilled — Petitioner is allowed the marking of the barrels for the time of one year and shall enjoy two stivers for each; but the increasing or diminishing lies at the pleasure of the Burgomasters, according to the instruction granted him or yet to be granted. 

March 19, 1658 

In the City Hall. INSTRUCTION FOR THE BRANDER OF BEER BARRELS OF THE CITY OF” AMSTERDAM IN N: NETHERLAND. First, he shall be bound to pay good attention, that the barrels, be- fore he brands them, have been made of the proper size, neither too big nor too little, and to brand those so manufactured. Secondly, he is to pay equal attention to his own barrels and to brand them of their proper size, and not otherwise, under forfeiture of his work and threefold the value thereof.  Thirdly, he is charged to brand anew all the barrels in the brewers houses with the mark of the year 1658, for which he shall receive for each one stiver. Fourthly, he shall be bound to serve each and every one without delay or impediment, and for this purpose he shall remain at his domicile within this City, or going out to leave word, where he shall be found, and to demean himself as much as possible above complaint. Fifthly, for every barrel presented to him to be branded he may demand and receive two stivers, on condition of paying good attention to their size, that they be not to big nor too little. Sixthly, the branding of the barrels is granted to him, but the increase and decrease of the fee on each shall remain discretionary with the Heeren Burgomasters. Finally and lastly, he shall promise and swear to demean himself faithfully and uprightly in this his aforesaid office, without bearing or evincing in any manner any favor or malice. And to the aforesaid office is elected and chosen Jan Jansen van Breste, cooper, who has taken the proper oath of fidelity. 

April 25, 1659 

In the City Hall. Jan Jansen Brestee appears in Court requesting, as he is Gauger, that the Magistrates would be pleased to fix a time, when he shall stamp the barrels and what he may demand for Stamping, and marking a small number of barrels. Whereupon Burgomasters resolved, that the marking of barrels shall take place in the Month of May, and for each barrel under the number of ten, marked at one time, to take two stivers each and above ten one stiver each, but to communicate it to the whole Board of Burgomasters and Schepens. Further resolved to publish and make known to everyone, who have any ells, cans, weights to mark to bring the same in the month of May to Andrees de Haas, sworn Inspector, to pay for them according to the regulation given him thereof. 

July 11, 1659 

In the City Hall. Jan Jansen Brestee appears in Court complaining that Dirck Wessels has left his Service without leave, and without having served out his time; and he has caused notice to be given him repeatedly to serve out his time, being yet six months; but he will not do so; requesting, that the aforesaid Dirck Wessels be ordered to serve out his time. Burgomasters allow Jan Jansen Brestee to forbid Dirck Wessels, by the Court Messenger, his commenced work or trade, until he has given him satisfaction. Dirck Wessels is ordered to settle with Jan Jansen Van Brestee, as he has not served out his time, before he can pursue his handicraft or commence baking. 

June 8, 1660 

In the City Hall. Deft, admits the debt, and says he dressed the clapboards and made them fit to lie. Requests two arbitrators to look at and value the clapboards. The Court order deft, to pay pltf., on condition of deducting the clapboards delivered according to valuation of Jan Jansen van Breeste and Meindert Barensen hereby qualified by the Court to value the same. 

October 4, 1661 

In the City Hall. Paulus Schrick, pltf. v/s Jan Jansen van Breste, deft. Pltf. demands from deft, five and a half beavers for a barrel of pork. Deft, says, that there is coming yet to him fifty four guilders and seven stivers, wages, from Joannes van Beeck, deceased, whose widow pltf. has married. Pltf. says, that does not concern him. Burgomasters and Schepens having heard parties, decree, whereas seawant in the time that van Beeck, deceased, was indebted, was as good as beavers, that the debts shall be set off against each other; therefore order the pltf. Paulus Schrick to pay the deft, ten guilders seven stivers. 

April 18, 1665 

Wednesday Afternoon, being the 19th April 1665. LIST OF THE BURGHERS AND INHABITANTS OF THIS CITY THAT ARE ASSESSED: The Heere Stradt: Lucas Andriezen fl2-. The Marketfield: The Hon. Petrus Stuyvesant fl4-. The Beaver’s Graft: Jan Janzen van Brestee fl2- 

October 12, 1665 

In the afternoon…In the City Hall. Present, the Hon. Petrus Stuyvesant, Allard Antony, Oloff Stevensen and Joh. Nevius…..Jan the Cooper voluntary fl. 20. Taxes 25. 

June 2, 1667  

Att a Mayors Court held at New York. It is ordered and resolved this day, that Jan Jansen van Brestede shall be appointed inspector and teller of pipe staves and of the packing of meat. 

June 11, 1667 

At a Mayors Court held at New York. The Court haveing heard both Parties did decree, that the Staves should be delivered at 5 score in the hundred, & doe appoint Jan Jansen Van Breeste & Jurian Jansen van Auwiyck, to View the Staves, whether they be according to Covenant or not. It is ordered and resolved this day, that Jan Jansen van Brestede shall be appointed inspector and teller of pipe staves and of the packing of meat. 

January 28, 1668 

At a Mayors Court held at N. Yorck. Jan Jansen van Breestede and Juriaen Jansen van Aweryck being sent for to Court, the W : Court proposes to them the necessity, that some persons may be appointed within this City for the inspection and counting of pipe staves, packing of meat and pork and they being asked to perform the said service, the same was accepted by them, and they have taken the oath in this regard at the hands of the W: Court. 

July 6, 1669 

Att a Mayors Court held at New York. From the nomination of the Fire Wardens of this City the W: Court chose anew: — Nicolaes Jansen, baker, Jan Jansen van Bresteede, Hendrick Bosch, to whom the present Fire Wardens are required to deliver over all the fire buckets, ladders & other apparatus remaining in their hands and care; Done New York etc. 

June 6, 1671 

Att the Worshipful Mayors Court held at New Yorck . Deft, says, said chum is saleable and offers to submit himself to the decision of two impartial coopers. The W: Court refer to Jan Jansen van Breestede and Evert Wessels to inspect the chum in question and in case, they do not and the same merchantable, they order the deft, then to return the money, but being found merchantable, the pltf. shall then be bound to receive the chum. 

October 8, 1672 

Att a Mayors Court held att New Yorke, the 8th day off Octob’ 1672. Whereas itt is ffound necessary that [the] former Custome for Ellecting of Brand master should bee continued in this Citty: The Court Qo therefore nominate & appoint Jan Jansen van Brestede, Evert Duycking and John Cooly to be brandmasters of this Citty for the space of one whole Yeare commencing from the day of the date hereof, during which tyme they are hereby Required: as often as they shall see cause: to make a View of all Chimbnees within this Citty and the Suburbs thereof, and to fine the owners of all those that shall bee defective or not cleansed according to the former Customes; As alsoo to take ceare that the hookes and Ladders made to that purpose, may bee brought and fastned to some Convenient place which they shall thinke fitt. 

January 5, 1674 

Whereas it is found necessary for the prevention of accidents that the election and appointment of the Firewardens be continued within this City according to previous custom, the W. Schout, Burgomasters and Schepens of the City of N. Orange have therefore nominated and authorized as they hereby do, as Firewardens of this City for the term of one current year, Jan Jansen van Bresteede, Everd Duyckingh, Rynier Willemsen, baker, and Jonas Bartelse, who are hereby requested and authorized to execute and fill the aforesaid office as Firewardens and Chimney Inspectors in such manner as the same has been heretofore executed and filled by their predecessors pursuant to the Ordinances and Placards thereof existing. 

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